How Maui, Alex, Eamon And Callan Slowed Down The Sun
Once upon a time there was Maui and his three brothers Alex, Eamon and Callan and a wise old man called Chi Fu. Maui and his brothers decided to go to the sun and slow it down because it was going too fast. Maui, his brothers and the wise old man Chi Fu went through the deepest darkest woods and the sandiest deserts with cracks in the ground which lead to the biggest deserts in New Zealand. They found the sun’s hiding place and they hid behind some rocks. Then after the sun came out of the hole they jumped out from behind the rocks and threw ropes at the sun and the ropes got stuck in the sun’s hair and Maui hit the sun with his magical jaw bone. After a lot of hitting the sun the sun finally agreed to slow down. The End
By Alex, Eamon and Callan 
Kia ora Callan. I enjoyed reading your group's version of the legend of how Maui slowed the sun. I think it was fun how you put yourselves in the story. I also liked some of the descriptive language you used like, 'deepest darkest woods.' This makes it interesting to read. Well done for completing a beautiful piece of artwork. I like that it is bright and colourful. Ka pai tō mahi!