Thursday, 3 November 2016

My Taniwha - Writing

For the past few weeks we have been practising using descriptive language in our writing. We have been trying to 'paint pictures with words.' We all got to invent our own Taniwha. We all drew our own taniwha and then we had to write about it and describe what it looks like, what we do with our taniwha and what our taniwha is like. Then we read our work to a buddy and they had had a go at drawing our taniwha.  

Create and Describe Your Own Creature

WALT: be descriptive in our writing.  

Look at the description of a Nogard.  Now Create and describe your own creature that you will then be able to read to a buddy so that they can draw it.  Your description must be as detailed and clear as possible so that when you share it with others they will be able to visualise and draw you creature. Use lots of adjectives (describing words - big, small, round, green).

You must .....

  • Have a name for your creature
  • Start from the big things and work your way to the smaller things
  • Describe the shapes
  • Describe its neck, body, tail, wings etc.
  • What does its head look like?Think about its eyes, nose, eyebrows, mouth, teeth
  • Describe its legs/flippers/fins etc.
  • What colours is it?
  • Any extra details on the body like scales, spikes etc.
  • Keep it simple and clear!
  • Use correct punctuation and spelling.
  • Check that your sentences make sense.

Remember that a good writer ‘paints’ pictures in their reader’s head with words.   This is what good descriptive writing does.  

Create your piece of writing here Callan

Mr Taniwha   By Callan

My Taniwha’s head is shaped like a mountain with a cave. It has long spikes connected to the mouth like thorns in a prickle bush. Its tongue is longer than a mosasurase. It has koru patterns all over its body with 4 blood leaking teeth and a cracked tooth. It has points on the back of its head. He is bigger than the tallest person in the world. He is a  bodiless Taniwha . Mr Taniwha is mean, nice, and cool. Me and Mr taniwha go to the and the ISS (International Space Station). Then we go to the core of the Papatūānuku to get a lava drink.

Peer Evaluation   Name of Peer:

What I think you did well:  

What I think you could improve on:

Self Evaluation

What I think I did well: I think I did well at explaining where my taniwha and I go.

What I could improve on:  Not missing out words and making it make sense.  


  1. Kia ora Callan. Well done fore describing your taniwha. I like how you described him by comparing him to things like a mountain or comparing his spikes to thorns in a prickle bush. It would be good to see you write a bit more. You could describe how he is both mean and nice and describe a bit more about what you do with him. I love imagining you flying to the ISS on your taniwha and diving to the depths of the earth. How exciting!

  2. Callan, it would also be good if you could go back and insert a picture of your taniwha.


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